** Public API v2 ** Usage: The API follows the general pattern of enumerating possible values of the subsequent path segment, with the fully qualified path yielding a json object of the type being enumerated. For example, /v2/colors will yield: [1, 2, 3, ... ] which can be used to create the fully qualified path of: /v2/colors/1 The following paths are exposed by this API: /v2/account [a] /v2/account/achievements [a] /v2/account/bank [a] /v2/account/buildstorage [a] /v2/account/dailycrafting [a] /v2/account/dungeons [a] /v2/account/dyes [a] /v2/account/emotes [a] /v2/account/finishers [a] /v2/account/gliders [a] /v2/account/home /v2/account/home/cats [a] /v2/account/home/nodes [a] /v2/account/homestead /v2/account/homestead/decorations [a] /v2/account/homestead/glyphs [a] /v2/account/inventory [a] /v2/account/jadebots [a] /v2/account/legendaryarmory [a] /v2/account/luck [a] /v2/account/mail [d,a] /v2/account/mailcarriers [a] /v2/account/mapchests [a] /v2/account/masteries [a] /v2/account/mastery/points [a] /v2/account/materials [a] /v2/account/minis [a] /v2/account/mounts /v2/account/mounts/skins [a] /v2/account/mounts/types [a] /v2/account/novelties [a] /v2/account/outfits [a] /v2/account/progression [a] /v2/account/pvp/heroes [a] /v2/account/raids [a] /v2/account/recipes [a] /v2/account/skiffs [a] /v2/account/skins [a] /v2/account/titles [a] /v2/account/wallet [a] /v2/account/wizardsvault/daily [a] /v2/account/wizardsvault/listings [a] /v2/account/wizardsvault/special [a] /v2/account/wizardsvault/weekly [a] /v2/account/worldbosses [a] /v2/account/wvw [a] /v2/achievements [l] /v2/achievements/categories [l] /v2/achievements/daily [d] /v2/achievements/daily/tomorrow [d] /v2/achievements/groups [l] /v2/adventures [l,d] /v2/adventures/:id/leaderboards [d] /v2/adventures/:id/leaderboards/:board/:region [d] /v2/backstory/answers [l] /v2/backstory/questions [l] /v2/build /v2/characters [a] /v2/characters/:id/backstory [a] /v2/characters/:id/buildtabs [a] /v2/characters/:id/buildtabs/active [a] /v2/characters/:id/core [a] /v2/characters/:id/crafting [a] /v2/characters/:id/dungeons [d,a] /v2/characters/:id/equipment [a] /v2/characters/:id/equipmenttabs [a] /v2/characters/:id/equipmenttabs/active [a] /v2/characters/:id/heropoints [a] /v2/characters/:id/inventory [a] /v2/characters/:id/quests [a] /v2/characters/:id/recipes [a] /v2/characters/:id/sab [a] /v2/characters/:id/skills [a] /v2/characters/:id/specializations [a] /v2/characters/:id/training [a] /v2/colors [l] /v2/commerce/delivery [a] /v2/commerce/exchange /v2/commerce/listings /v2/commerce/prices /v2/commerce/transactions [a] /v2/continents [l] /v2/createsubtoken [a] /v2/currencies [l] /v2/dailycrafting /v2/dungeons [l] /v2/emblem /v2/emotes /v2/events [l,d] /v2/events-state [d] /v2/files /v2/finishers [l] /v2/gemstore/catalog [l,d] /v2/gliders [l] /v2/guild/:id [a] /v2/guild/:id/log [a] /v2/guild/:id/members [a] /v2/guild/:id/ranks [a] /v2/guild/:id/stash [a] /v2/guild/:id/storage [a] /v2/guild/:id/teams [a] /v2/guild/:id/treasury [a] /v2/guild/:id/upgrades [a] /v2/guild/permissions [l] /v2/guild/search /v2/guild/upgrades [l] /v2/home /v2/home/cats /v2/home/nodes /v2/homestead /v2/homestead /v2/homestead/decorations [l] /v2/homestead/decorations/categories [l] /v2/homestead/decorations/categories/:id [l] /v2/homestead/glyphs /v2/items [l] /v2/itemstats [l] /v2/jadebots [l] /v2/legendaryarmory /v2/legends /v2/mailcarriers [l] /v2/mapchests /v2/maps [l] /v2/masteries [l] /v2/materials [l] /v2/minis [l] /v2/mounts /v2/mounts/skins [l] /v2/mounts/types [l] /v2/novelties [l] /v2/outfits [l] /v2/pets [l] /v2/professions [l] /v2/pvp /v2/pvp/amulets [l] /v2/pvp/games [a] /v2/pvp/heroes [l] /v2/pvp/ranks [l] /v2/pvp/rewardtracks [l,d] /v2/pvp/runes [l,d] /v2/pvp/seasons [l] /v2/pvp/seasons/:id/leaderboards /v2/pvp/seasons/:id/leaderboards/:board/:region /v2/pvp/sigils [l,d] /v2/pvp/standings [a] /v2/pvp/stats [a] /v2/quaggans /v2/quests [l] /v2/races [l] /v2/raids [l] /v2/recipes /v2/recipes/search /v2/skiffs [l] /v2/skills [l] /v2/skins [l] /v2/specializations [l] /v2/stories [l] /v2/stories/seasons [l] /v2/titles [l] /v2/tokeninfo [a] /v2/traits [l] /v2/vendors [l,d] /v2/wizardsvault/listings [l] /v2/wizardsvault/objectives [l] /v2/worldbosses /v2/worlds [l] /v2/wvw/abilities [l] /v2/wvw/guilds /v2/wvw/guilds/:region /v2/wvw/matches /v2/wvw/matches/overview /v2/wvw/matches/scores /v2/wvw/matches/stats /v2/wvw/matches/stats/:id/guilds/:guild_id /v2/wvw/matches/stats/:id/teams/:team/top/kdr /v2/wvw/matches/stats/:id/teams/:team/top/kills /v2/wvw/objectives [l] /v2/wvw/ranks [l] /v2/wvw/rewardtracks [l,d] /v2/wvw/timers /v2/wvw/timers/lockout /v2/wvw/timers/teamAssignment /v2/wvw/upgrades [l] Key: l : locale aware (via ?lang=) d : currently disabled a : requires authentication Locale: APIs which are locale aware accept the ?lang= option. For example: /v2/colors/1?lang=fr Possible locale 'langId' values include: en es de fr zh Bulk expansion: Many APIs offer bulk expansion. APIs that offer bulk expansion will provide a list of possible IDs when no parameters are provided. As set of ids can be then be resolved into objects via one of four methods. The simplest is by specifying multiple ids via query parameter, as in: /v2/colors?ids=1,2,3 Individual ids may also be requested via /v2/colors/1 /v2/colors?id=1 Some endpoints support returning all resources. To do this, one may also specify 'all' to expand all ids. For example: /v2/colors?ids=all Not all APIs support the 'all' keyword as it may be too expensive. Another approach to bulk expansion is through pages. Use the ?page= parameter to specify the requeste page. Optionally, you can also provide a &page_size= value to adjust to your preferred page size. Sample usage is: /v2/colors?page=0&page_size=10 Pay attention to response headers which provide additional metadata about the underlying collection, pagination info, and links. Authentication: APIs which require authentication need to be passed an API key belonging to the account to be accessed. The API key must have the appropriate permissions associated with it (/v2/tokeninfo can be used to inspect key permissions). Keys can be generated on the ArenaNet account site. Keys can be passed either via query parameter or HTTP header. Our servers do not support preflighted CORS requests, so if your application is running in the user's browser you'll need to user the query parameter. To pass via query parameter, include "?access_token=" in your request. To pass via HTTP header, include "Authorization: Bearer ".